Search Results for: 24XO7 = 1 800-299-7264 VI Airlink Phone Number F0r Flight Reservations
- Banning Vail, 1909-1929…the call went through.” [Arizona Daily Star, 6/19/1986] Banning Vail at age 17, 1906. ERF archives, A530-45. William Banning Vail Becomes Manager – 1912 Banning Vail took over management of the Empire Ranch around 1912. He was 23 years old. In Los Angeles Banning had attended Throop Polytechnic Institute when the school’s mission was “to train Pasadena’s youth, from elementary school through college, for factory work in an industrial society.” The…
- Vail, Hislop, and Harvey 1877-1878…f Range 19S, Township 17E, southeast of the Empire Ranch located in Section 18. USGS 1905 Patagonia Quadrant map. Neighbor Perry M. Hilton – February 1878 Walter identifies the neighbor causing problems: “One of our neighbors [Perry] Hilton who has sheep does everything he can to annoy us. Harvey and Hislop had trouble with him while I was away and he does not leave a stone unturned to annoy us, he pretends to think a great deal of me but I well k…
- Vail & Gates, 1888-1909…by Alex P. More. When More died in 1893, he left his estate to his sole surviving brother, John F. More, four sisters, and ten nieces and nephews. The real estate firm of Farnsworth, Vail & Calkins wrote to Vail & Gates in March 1898 to advise them of the valuation of the island. “The stock consists as follows: 2000 head of cattle; 25,000 head of sheep; also some 170 head of horses. We understand that the wharf is in good repair and practically ne…
- Frank & Mary Boice Family Ownership, 1951-1969…– Mary gave them to Mom and [Mom] planted them there, and they’re still surviving, I think.” [Dick Schorr oral history, 2019] Carol, Sherry, Kitty & Steve Boice Christmas photo, 1956. ERF archives: B204-05. Carol Enid Boice is Born – 1955 Carol Enid Boice, the youngest of Pancho and Sherry’s four children was born August 5, 1955 in Tucson. Carol, Sherry, Kitty & Steve Boice Christmas photo, 1956. ERF archives: B204-05. Rancho Seco Sold – 1955 Ranc…
- Tour the Cienega Watershed…ts in the watershed. Start by downloading the TravelStorys.Com App to your phone or other device. Open TravelStory and select “Tour the Cienega Watershed” to save the tour on your phone. Once you’ve download the app and the tour, no Internet access is needed. The tour includes 21 podcast-style stories that will automatically play at the appropriate location using your phone’s GPS. The route loop includes the Gabe Zimmerman Trailhead (in Vail), Las…
- Gulf American Corporation Ownership, 1970-1975…d Bartholomew, outgoing director of the health department’s water supply division, said his division and the Water Pollution Control Division began checking GAC’s plans this week and expect to be completed in about two weeks. As of today, Jim Scanlan Is replacing Bartholomew. There has been no decision yet on when this construction will begin or when lot sales will begin.” [Arizona Daily Star, 9/1/1972] Steve and Annie Boice, 1972. ERF archives: B…
- Boice Family Ranching History, 1859-1928…1929. The sales agreement for the Rail X Ranch was signed by N.R. Vail, surviving partner of the partnership known as Vail and Ashburn, and Minnie Ashburn and other heirs of the Ashburn estate. The sale price was $90,000, to be paid no later than June 15, 1928. Rail X Ranch House, 1929. Courtesy of Martha Madani Henry G. to Manage the Rail X Ranch – 1928 Henry G., Margaret, and Peggy Ann Boice moved to the Rail X Ranch, located in Santa Cruz Count…
- Empire Ranch is Purchased and the Hard Work Begins (August-December 1876)…Mustang Mountains in the background, 1880s. ERF archives: A530-08 September 1-9, 1876 – Empire Ranch Expansion Begins Hislop writes (9/23/1876): “We have got another ranch now and 620 sheep on it, we bought the man that owned them out. He was ill with fever and got disgusted so let us have them cheap. We gave him 4/-a head, that is cheap enough and they come in very handy to us as meat and when we can get 50 lbs. of meat for 4/-it is not so bad. I…
- Chiricahua Ranches Company Ownership, 1928-1951…hers.’ [Tucson Garden Club website] WWII Draft Concerns – 1942 On September 16, 1940, the United States instituted the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, which required all men between the ages of 21 and 45 to register for the draft. By 1942 the draft was beginning to affect ranching operations throughout the west. “Frank Boice, president of the American National Livestock association, said Tuesday as he left for Wyoming to confer with a…
- Explore Las Cienegas National Conservation Area…Foundation provides tours on the second and fourth Saturday of the month at 11am; reservations are required. For more information, click here. For large, private group tours, you may need a Bureau of Land Management Special Recreation Permit (SRP). Click “Do I need a Permit?” for details. What are among the visitor activities? Favorite visitor activities include wildlife viewing, picnicking, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, historic site…