
Special Events at the Empire Ranch
With the assistance of ERF volunteers and BLM staff, the Foundation sponsors events to raise public awareness, funds and friends. Follow links below to view our current event calendar and further descriptions of our recurring special events.
Spring Trail Ride – On the first Saturday in April, the Empire Ranch Foundation sponsors a Trail Ride through the rolling hills and spectacular scenery of Las Cienegas National Conservation Area.
National Day of the Cowboy – On the third Saturday in July the Empire Ranch Foundation celebrates the National Day of the Cowboy at the historic Empire Ranch.
Western Movie Showings – Each summer the Foundation partners with The Loft Theater to show Western movies on an outdoor screen at Empire Ranch Headquarters.
Empire Ranch Cowboy Festival – The annual Cowboy Festival is held the first Saturday in November and draws more than 3,000 visitors who come to the Empire Ranch to enjoy Western heritage demonstrations, arena and livestock exhibits, Western entertainment, and Western vendors.
Christmas at the Empire Ranch – On the second Saturday in December we enjoy welcoming guests to the festively decorated Empire Ranch House for a bit of holiday cheer and some fun shopping.
Community Outreach
Foundation volunteers are available to participate in public events around southeast Arizona to share information about the Empire Ranch and its legacy to those attending the event. We have a portable display that includes illustrations of the history and life on the Empire Ranch, brochures, flyers for upcoming events, and other items of interest pertaining to the Empire Ranch and the Foundation. When possible we have an array of items for sale from our gift shop.
Call us or send us an email if you’d like us to attend your event.
Foundation speakers are available to provide educational presentations to classrooms or community groups on the history of the Empire Ranch and the Empire Ranch Foundation. We are happy to tailor presentations for specific interests. Classroom presentations are free of charge. We appreciate contributions to the Empire Ranch Foundation for our presentations to community groups.
Click here for a list of presentations currently available.