Hours, Map & Directions

The Empire Ranch Headquarters is magnificently situated in the high Sonoran Desert and rolling grasslands of the Las Cienegas National Conservation Area (LCNCA), located just 50 miles southeast of Tucson, and 10 miles north of Sonoita.
The Empire Ranch Headquarters buildings and outdoor areas are open daily to visitors from sunrise to sunset. The Visitor Contact Center and Gift Shop, located on the west side of the Empire Ranch House, is open most weekends, during docent tours, volunteer workdays, and special events. Click here to learn what you can experience at Empire Ranch Headquarters. Click here for a schedule of upcoming events and more details.
Las Cienegas National Conservation Area (LCNCA) is open to the public 365 days a year. We recommend visiting during daylight hours, since the buildings and yards have no artificial lighting. There is no charge for entry and permits are not generally required to visit LCNCA. However, commercial, competitive, and large organized group events require a special recreation permit. Permits are generally required if the group number is over 29, or if the activity needs BLM oversight or will have an impact to public lands and people. Click here for more detailed information about BLM permits.
While often providing serenity and quiet, several times during the year special events are hosted by the Empire Ranch Foundation including a Fall Cowboy Festival, Horse Trail Rides, western movies, and educational outreach events for youth. More information on these activities can be found on our Event Calendar.
Directions from Tucson
- Go east on I-10 and exit at Route 83 (scenic highway)
- Proceed south on Route 83 approximately 18 miles to the paved road on your left between mile post 40 and 39. Watch for brown Historic Empire Ranch sign on the right side of the highway.
- Turn east (left) onto paved road and follow for 3 miles to the Empire Ranch House on your left.
Directions from Sonoita
- Go north on Route 83 for 6.6 miles, to the paved road on your right between milepost 39 and 40. Watch for brown Historic Empire Ranch sign on the right side of the highway.
- Turn east (right) onto paved road and follow for 3 miles to the Empire Ranch House on your left.